Today Agust, 17th 2009 is the biggest day on Indonesia's history. 64 years ago our leaders have announced the Proclamation statement that signing the Independent's day of Indonesia. All of the Indonesian heros in all over Indonesia was fight until the end of his life to grab the freedom. And we as the Indonesian's next fighter have to defend this. We have to fill the freedom with a lot of fight, fight to be a better life and future with all you have where you are...Merdeka!!! Hidup Indonesia.....
Graphic Design and Photography
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- Hand Drawing Skecth Design
- A Simple Typographic Design with Smooth Gradient C...
- Design of the Week : I'm Gonna Spray You All Over ...
- 2 Awesome Pin Design Collections
- A photograph on ULuwatu Temple, Bali
- 7 Great Portfolio Design that You Should See
- 5 Awesome Portfolio Design for Your Inspiration
- Happy Anniversary Independence Day for Indonesia
- Old Passion Graphic Design: Seeing Your Smile
- 9 Face Tracing Vector Design for Advanced Tracing ...
- 5 Photo Collection that will Open up Your Mind to ...
- Vector Design of the Week : In Memoriam Mbah Surip
- The Second Award to my Blog
- How to Make Banner Design Using Adobe Photoshop

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Berkunjung Bli........
sekarang sudah yang ke 65 ya, tp sayang indonesia masih belum sesuai yg diharapkan. masih banyak korupsi
MERDEKA... Irus semakinndonesia ha jaya..
Inilah Alasan Kenapa Anda Harus Bergabung Dengan Oriflame
sekarang sudah yang ke 65 ya, tp sayang indonesia masih belum sesuai yg diharapkan. masih banyak korupsi
Best Sharing..
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hayooo meredka!!! sekali merdeka tetap merdeka...
Yupz... Happy Anniversary Independence Day for Indonesia
merdeka !!!
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