Have you ever think in your mind that you wanna be a model? But you have no idea to realize it. Don't worry, I know what you have to do. It's simple like this design. Just find model photo, you can use a vector image or a real model's photo. Then, choose your best photo to be used on the model. It's easy isn't it?
So, here is this my new design. I've combine my own photo with a vector based picture. I've replace the model's head with mine.
The most important thing you should consider is the model's skin and your own skin color. If it was different to much, you have to edit it first, so that your skin and the model's skin will match each other.
That's all for the short tips...Enjoy it
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I love your blog, it's so creative! Please check out my blog & send others my way if you like what u see. I will do the same in return!
model not just for artist
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Helpful tips, thanks
Thanks a lot for sharing the article on tips. That's a awesome article. I enjoyed the article a lot while reading. There are lots of information about on tips that also could be awesome.
wew keren tuh...
kerenn dech...
jiah pake editor foto :D