Have a coffee break yet? Well, a coffee break habitual has inspired me to made this design. I usually made some coffee when I've to finish my works. A lot of works that I have to finish until the morning come. Then drink a coffee while working is a good idea to relieving all the tired body and mind ;).
Let's talk about the design. Actually, I made this design by using Adobe Photoshop. AS usual just a copy-paste technique as I do in my mainly design. I combined a yellow paper image, a cup of coffee and its trace, a transparent tape, a lighting lamp and my photo.It's quite simple design, I just wanna show the power of a glass of coffee that can make your mind relieve from a stress session after doing a lot of work. So, enjoy your work buddy and don't forget to make a cup of coffee to accompany you.
Graphic Design and Photography
Table of Contents
Label Cloud
- Adobe Illustrator
- adobe photoshop
- ArtWork
- bali
- beach
- candid
- couple
- Creative Photography
- Design
- engagement
- facebook profile photo
- flowers
- girl
- Graphic design
- Grunge
- Human Interest
- Illustration
- Image Editing
- inspiration
- landscape
- Lighting effects
- logo
- Maternity
- model
- nature
- page rank
- photography
- Photoshop
- Photoshop Brush
- Photoshop Tutorial
- pop art
- portfolio
- portrait
- Poster
- prewedding
- retouching photo
- Retro
- sexy
- Simple Trace
- sunrise
- sunset
- T-shirt
- Tracing
- Tutorial
- Twitter Background
- Typography
- ubud
- Vector
- vector graphic
- video
- Vintage
- Visual Communication
- Web Design
- wedding
Facebook Page

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mampir aja gan
gak ngerti bahasanya
very useful info for me.Because i'm new in blogging and i'm need good tutorial like your post. Nice to visit here, and don't forget to visit our blog to and give me more spirit to continue my blogging activities.
Wow it is a nice design. I like the way you make the picture performance.
It is a good idea by making a good performance of picture. I like the way you perform your creation.
Nice picture. The picture is very creative. You can use your talent in designing to make money.
It is a gread character of the picture's performance. I need to learn more how to make good performance for a picture to increase my site performance about sobakawa pillow. Thanks for sharing the creation.
Nice Pict :) Terus berkarya bro...
good design, be kreative....
simple, but very good design..
Nice post, i am really feeling fresh because of the picture you have added in the post, thanks for sharing.
nice to info...truslah berkarya....
With the advancement in technology in recent years, and the constant growth of the World Wide Web (the internet), the concept of making money online has continued to become much more easier by the day. This concept, usually referred to as affiliate marketing, comes in many forms and depends on what methods you choose to implement. What this means is that, making money online depends completely on you (the marketer) and how you choose to go about it.
I believe there is no point discussing the topic of whether affiliate marketing is a genuine money making business model in this article because the records are there for you to see. That is, the question of whether you can actually make money online is pointless (in this article) as there are tonnes of proof out there that people like you and I are making easy money online, day-in-day-out. So, believe it or not, affiliate marketing works like magic or crazy depending on how you want to put it.
Anyway, back to the main reason behind this article – that is, [i]a fast track to making easy money online using affiliate marketing[/i]. But before we continue, even though I expect you to already know this, here is a quick description of what affiliate marketing is all about.
Affiliates are people who get paid a certain commission for providing traffic that results in a sale of someone else’s product. Affiliate marketing can easily be understood from this definition as the process by which people market other peoples’ product and hope to get paid a commission for each sale they generate.
With that out of the way, there are two main ways of earning a commission using affiliate marketing namely: by selling other peoples’ products (as mentioned above) or by providing traffic or leads (CPA marketing).
1. Affiliate Marketing Selling Other Peoples’ Stuff (Using Clickbank):
The easiest and most common way to make money online is to sell other peoples’ products. What this involves is, simple. You sign up for free as an affiliate for a product in your niche market. A good place to find such products is Clickbank or PayDotCom. Once you join the program, you will be provided with a website address – a link to your personal affiliate page. This is where you drive all your traffic using all the methods known to you and each time someone makes a purchase from this specific link, you get paid up to 75% commission (if you are using Clickbank).
2. Affiliate Marketing Using CPA:
Another rising star in affiliate marketing over the recent years is CPA, also known as cost per action, marketing. What this means is you get paid each time someone you send to your affiliate website (yes, you do need to sign up for this too) takes an action provided. This actions usually includes: signing up for free trial offers, signing up for an application, or, simple yet, just filling in their emails or contact details. This method is in high rise these days as it tends to have a much higher conversion rate than its counterpart. When you come to look at it, it is a whole lot easier to get people to signup for free stuff than it is to get them to buy. It is just that basic really.
In conclusion, I say yes, you can make money online quite fast and easy. All you need to do is pick a program, signup, and drive hoards of targeted traffic using whatever technique you find more effective.
salam kenal mas.. mhon bantuannya buat ajari saya mngubah blog saya jadi dofollow.. trims ya mas.
nice blog...
wew nice buddy....
great posting hhehehehe
ngikut aja deh
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kunjungan malam bro...
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mampir ja gan,,
layoutnya bagus.
kereeeeeeeeeeeenn ...
: (
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salam kenal gan...
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Wahh...Nice design. The picture is very creative
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Very nice blog !
Greats design.
artikel mantaf...salam kenal gan,,,sukses selalu
Thanks for a bunch of interesting informations, nice blog anyway
It's really superb design.
Thanks for sharing here.
I’m really impressed with your designs. Keep sparking imagination to other people!
mampir sodara....
blog yang unik ni,mantap :D
Since I came back from Italy I'm making coffe breaks every one hour :-)
Very nice design, creatif and unique.
aku baca baca aj ya bung.. gak ngerti artinya hehehe
keren sob desainnya.. salam kenal.......
Thanks for sharing.
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Really great post. Thanks for sharing the post.
Wuih desainnya bagus :D
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Interesting design. love the coffee concept. Now i want some.
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ini ane suka bagat desian nya ya
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salam kenal .
niice post !! .
keren desain.a .
you are a good designer..
very creative and inspiring..
salam .
keren.keren .
canggih desaiinnya .
makasih .
terus berkarya dan inovasi....semangat....
Wah makasih bos
Bermanfaat banget artikelnya
Wow! Awesome Work, Thanks For Sharing.
hwaaa lucu...simple but i like it:D
creative banget....
great design...
thanks for showing the design.
Well that design is really excellent guys. It has good color combination here. Thanks for the share.
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That is a fabulous design.
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At the moment I don’t sense major commitment on the part of either the public or government to end the obesity epidemic. Given society’s unwillingness to address issues that threaten the survival of the human species
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