It was a micro wedding, but so heart warming and beautiful. Surrounded by the greenery of the ricefield and warm breezy air, Zoli and Reni declare their vows. To be together for the rest of the time. I was so happy too. Beeing the witnesses of the happiest couple in the universe that day. Then shooting with a bunch of happiness is another great experience. All the wedding pictures I take would reflect those feelings.
Actually I shoot this micro wedding just by my self. So no additional second shooter. It's been a challange to shoot the micro wedding photo session alone. But it was fun. I fight for my self to get all the moment and procession. I use my Nikon duo in this wedding. One is Nikon D750, and one atnother is the older Nikon D700. Furthermore, I have writen all the trick and the whole story on my official Bali Wedding Photography blog. And the whole stories of this Micro Wedding Photography is here. So be sure to check it.
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