Hai fellas, if you have followed this blog, don't forget to visit my another blog. It's all about my photograph portfolio. There's some great photograph that you should see. I've posted some Landscape photograph, Human (model), Macro, or even a Fine Art Photograph. Well, after all these time, I've decided to learn photography a lot since my father and mam's bought me a DSLR camera, Canon EOS 500D. It's a quite powerfull gear that I've had, although I still need some investment for the lens. Yeah, just wait until someday I get a lot of money though ;).
So, please check out my new blog. Be inspired with my photographs.
Bagus banget blog nya par..lanjutkan..!!^^
Maen2 juga ya ke blog ku..
hehe..trima kasih wak ;) sipp dehh
ice picture. Thanks
thanks gan,,
maen2 juga ke blog ku..
thanks ya, slm kenal
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Good webstie.
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wah keren banget photonya bro
Good Picture,,thanks
Amazing photographers, fantastic picture. Thanks for sharing,,
Nice Photography.Tremendous work done by photographer.May be it is the expertise of his work.
Well that is really good one. The photography really looks good. Hope you update the blogs frequently. Thanks!
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Thanks for making me conscious about this latest expertise and find out the actual size of your knowledge about photography.
I'm impressed by the quality of your awesome photographs and the software you've used so I'm certainly going to find out more about your blog and your photography collection.
Truly satisfied! It is all totally very, very clear and also open. You have contributed a great deal of valuable details.
I got to here so I am pleased to visit your post
some investment for the lens. Yeah, just wait until someday I get a lot of money though ;).
I got to here so I am pleased to visit your post
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