Color has an important rules on our design. More clever you take the color combination, more attractive your design will be, and absolutely it will reach the high quality design. Based on those rule, I try to make a colorful design which combine so many colors. May be it's the first time I make a design that has many color combination. I pick some color swatches from AdobeKuler, which have 5 color combination on each swatch.
I just combine it all. Well, the color combination doesn't looks good here, but it's quite powerful to reach good combination. I though, all of these color represent of mind, which have so many things to be thinking about. Just break it with your idea, then pick one things that you think it was the best one. Show to the world, and prove that you can do all the things in your mind.I've spent my times 2 days to complete these design. It's truly inspired by myself. This inspiration is just come off on my mind. I made all of the things that pass through on my brain. No matter what shape it is. Just do and do it.
And let's talk about how did I make it. First, I made the arrow object using pen tool and smart guide on Adobe Illustrator to find out the object's precision. Then, I compile the rectangle, thunder's object, cloud, and plus object. And, I used blend tool to make the dots object. Just make two circle object with different size, and different position with 45 degree's position each others. Go to the object menu, choose blend, and pick up blend options. Set up the blend to Specific step (9 to 11 step according on how many circle you want to be). Then, apply the blend by press Crtl+Alt+B on the keboard. More details about blend tutorial you can see on my previous post. And that's all, it's simple. But, how did I think to make those shape and design was the hardest part actually. Okay, hope you enjoy and inspired with all I've explain.....
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