Stil working with the Publication Department's job on Avicena Competition crew. Here is a sticker design that will be use along with the t-shirt that I've posted before. I just put the ornaments on the t-shirt design to be alone as a sticker. No many change was made, I just make it to match the t-shirt color and design. Finally you can see these design as the result. Stil made by a simple concept.....
aduuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh... tatsuya... blognya buerat buanget T___________T ampir satu jam mia nungguin shoutmix nya muncul (beneran loh). untung setelah ebebrapa kali klik akhirnya post comment dan shoutmixnya muncul.
btw, smangat terus dalam mendesain. biar mia terinspirasi hehehehehe lagi nyari inspirasi neh...
wah..maap nie mia...banyak gambar jadinya agk lola kalo koneksi internetnya kurang bagus..hehe..
makasie ya buat semangatnya....keep blogging terus mia..salam hangat dari Bali
Nice sticker design.
I see the post like your’ share information for the help of others, it must be helpful for other's. I guess that you have got good sample essay composing. It is possible that they will go even lower. You may good think that getting a Green Motion Sticker Design.