Well, I've not been writing for a few days because my lovely laptops was crashed. It's make me so upset. I can't make some design and post to my blog. Actually, today I've repaired it and ready to showtime anymore. This is a poster design that I've made for the poster competition in PIMNAS XXII selection. "Protect Our Forest" is the main theme of this poster. I tried to make some correlation between the human, the sky, the rainbow and the forest itself. The forest on this poster is just represent by some trees. It represent that the forest was going breakdown time after time. Because of the human needed, they cut theme all but the human usually not grow the new trees as the substitute. They only protect her/him self but not the forest. In this case the human was simbolized by a girl who using a umbrella. The forest is need a protection too, as the umbrella do to the human. They need to grow up and produce a lot of oxigen to make our air always fresh.
One thing that I want to show in this poster is the trees in the forest want to grow and fly away and singing with the rainbow. It's mean that the trees need a good treatment so that they can grow up to the sky. But, what's a pity this poster doesn't win the competition. There so many lack on this design. May be the main mistake is I didn't add the real forest. Just repreasent it as 2 trees beside a girl who sit on a chair. Altough my poster wasn't win the competition, but I'm so glad. I can show my uniqe design to everyone. Belong to me, this poster is my oppinion in a design...and I've done my best
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Good creativity. The poster design looks amazing and Colorful. I like that poster.
very cool visual processing black and white photos, color detail, judging in her post is easy to creat one, try filter.
visualisasi yang baguss,,,,
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Good to know that such kind of posts are there to help ignorant and novice people.