It's my time to show you a panorama's photo. Has not been posted a panorama's photo for a long time. Now I'm back with this one. This photo was taken on 21th June when I've a vacation and outbound on the Buyan Lakes, Bedugul. It's very awesome place, you can take a deep breathe and you will feel the most fresh air in the world without any polutions. As usual I use my pocket camera, Nikon Coolpix 3700 as my gear to capture this photo. I use panorama assist to help me define the panoramic photograph. The condition on the lake very well, with the high intensity of sunlight. Then the plan beside the lake was so green like the spring season.Actually this photo has edited using Adobe Photoshop. I've mixed 3 photos into one by using a layer mask to perfecting each of the photo's hedge. And for the finishing, I've used the curve adjustment to gain the color calibration, so that the photo looks more green and the sky has a rich blue color. If you interesting on how do I made this, just stay tune for the next Photoshop tutorial. I will teach you how to mix the photo into one and give it some cool effect to make it more delicious to see.
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- Michael Jackson in Memoriam: A Retro Design Gift f...
- Twitter Follow Me and Tweet This Button Collections
- Design of the Week : Voices of the Passion
- How to Mix the Panorama Assisted Photos on Adobe P...
- Panorama Photograph on Buyan Lake
- Video Tutorial : How to Create Swirl Rainbow on Ad...
- Video Tutorial : How to Trace a Vespa
- Tutorial Design Collection of the Week part 3
- Bright Grunge Retro Style Poster Design
- Red and Yellow Flowers Photograph
- Billabong Typography Design part 2#
- Design of the Week : Protect Our Forest Poster Design
- How to Retouching Photo with Curve on Adobe Photoshop
- Video Tutorial: How to Create Custom Layer on Phot...
- Adode Photoshop Tutorial: Learn the Photoshop's Layer
- How to Make Retro Grunge Style Pharmacy's Logo
- Shirt Design : Simple Grunge Ornaments with Three ...
- How to Increase The Blog Traffic in Few Steps
- A Brief Tutorial: How to Make Grunge Vintage Poster
- Combined Vector Objects Design with Simple Technique
- Macro's Photography : When Yellow Flower is Blossom
- Vector Design of the Week #2
- The Mix of Illustator and Photoshop Design: Bright...
- Green Photograph, Leafs on Sunlight

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great work bro,tiga gambar jadi satu dengan bantuan tripod juga?
tanpa bantuan tripod bli....hehe...terlihat kok dari fotonya yang agak miring garis danaunya...
wah tanpa tripod? tapi asil akirnya bagus bro,salut...
ya bli..make kamera saku terlalu berat megangnya..masih bisa jaga seimbangnya...trima kasih banyak bli....saya mohon bimbingannya...
Nice work!!!!
photoshop masking
thanks a lot SBL...
need a lot of your advice