I'm going wild, that's a bit explanation to represent my new artwork. It's yellow, blue, pink and black. Simply I want to represent my mind in a vector design. Actually it's like a landscape poster design, combine with a simple logos that belong to represent all of my mind. Positive, is the most powerful energy for me. It's bring me to the top of mindset, to discover more and more design. These puzzle-like design is present intricate of mind. Sometimes our mind are getting complicated while there's so much problems come to you. But as you stil can control it, you will find a way to solve what your problems solutions.I've read the Roger Fritz's book, The Power of Positive Attitude. Really great book for me. It's raise my mind to be more attractive that ever. And you have to know that, when you can control your mind to think positive, you will gain so much energy around you. This energy will make you feel much better, no matter what you facing of...You will beat it all.
This design talk about the passion to designing that must be sounding to the whole world through the blog. I used some unique logos that I've created purposeless and some I've got from some design picture on the web design site. I've learned so much on Veerle's Blog tutorial. I've learned how to make a grid mask on illustrator. So that we can create the grid much more faster than you have to copy and paste it one by one.
May be you are asking..?What is the font that I've used in this design...I used the Helvetica LT 25 Ultra Light. It's the most thinnest font I've ever seen. But I like it so much. Thin is beautiful for me. Hope You like the design....
Graphic Design and Photography
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Blog Archive
- Michael Jackson in Memoriam: A Retro Design Gift f...
- Twitter Follow Me and Tweet This Button Collections
- Design of the Week : Voices of the Passion
- How to Mix the Panorama Assisted Photos on Adobe P...
- Panorama Photograph on Buyan Lake
- Video Tutorial : How to Create Swirl Rainbow on Ad...
- Video Tutorial : How to Trace a Vespa
- Tutorial Design Collection of the Week part 3
- Bright Grunge Retro Style Poster Design
- Red and Yellow Flowers Photograph
- Billabong Typography Design part 2#
- Design of the Week : Protect Our Forest Poster Design
- How to Retouching Photo with Curve on Adobe Photoshop
- Video Tutorial: How to Create Custom Layer on Phot...
- Adode Photoshop Tutorial: Learn the Photoshop's Layer
- How to Make Retro Grunge Style Pharmacy's Logo
- Shirt Design : Simple Grunge Ornaments with Three ...
- How to Increase The Blog Traffic in Few Steps
- A Brief Tutorial: How to Make Grunge Vintage Poster
- Combined Vector Objects Design with Simple Technique
- Macro's Photography : When Yellow Flower is Blossom
- Vector Design of the Week #2
- The Mix of Illustator and Photoshop Design: Bright...
- Green Photograph, Leafs on Sunlight

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